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Friday, October 18, 2013

South Carolina State Fair!

This was the last Friday of the State Fair. It was 94 miles from our house in the State capital of Columbia.  Lon did not have school today, so we thought this was the thing to do!
One of the first things Lon found to look at was the Police Cars
They had a video game of an RC flyer. Lon got the plane off the ground, he got it to do a loop, and then crashed so hard he broke a wheel.  The officers thought he did well, at least at first.
We found a dentist for Lon! They gave us a contact for a dentist in Summerville.
Indoor Sand Castle !! This was amazing. It is all sand, the details are spectacular. Tiny bricks, the scales on the dragon! It was Wow!!
Fresh baked cookies, two for a dollar! How could you go wrong !! Lon really was happy about it, he ate them both!
They do not call them Crusty Pups out here.  Just corn dogs. The french fries are the big thing here, since 1932! (or 36, not sure)
They spray them with apple cider vinegar. It was not too bad!

We found the turkey legs for Daddy! Hope they are at the next fair too!
We sent a Thank You post card to our troops.
We found the Grange section.  Not as big as in Washington, but it was still cool.
Face in the Hole Photo Op!
We had some non homogenized milk.  It did not taste any different, but they told us it was better for us than the homogenized milk.

Lon has always liked these cows. He thinks it is really fun, this one actually gave milk.
They also had the largest pumpkin is South Carolina, it was 440 pounds.
Just across the hall, there was a 4-H Science table.
Lon was thrilled to make a paper tube rocket!
The man was impressed with Lon. Lon was using words like stability and drag.  The gentleman looked at him, and asked him if he really was only 8.
While waiting his turn to fire his rocket, he found these things called Snap Circuits. I think they are what is for Christmas this year!
Fire! There is a white blur of his rocket, but it is hard to see
Penny spins. These are fun to watch !
Inside the garden building
Another sand sculpture. These are so amazing to me! Lon thinks they are cool too
The fairgrounds, the clouds are getting darker. Lon was not too happy with me when I said we were going to hold off on getting ride tickets.
I won him a minion and things started looking up again for him.
When we went to look at the animals, we saw a sign for Elephant Rides! This was too cool to pass up! I got up on the elephant too. Lon and had a great time!
Lon rode the camel too! The one amazing thing I learned was camels are very soft. I thought they would have wiry tough hair, but it is really very soft.  Lon loved riding the camel!
Time to feed the goats!
Mr. Goat is looking at Lon, really wanting some of that feed.
Mr. Goat REALLY wants that feed!!

It tickles! Feeding goats is fun!!

Another land mark that I do not know about.
Barney Fife's Police Car.
It was time to leave. We were getting gas when we heard sirens, lots of sirens.
Then several police cars, escorting three Game Cock buses on their way to the away game !
As we got on the highway, it started to pour.It was a good time to be going home
We had fun, Lon wants to go back next year. He is looking forward to the Coastal Carolina Fair at the end of the month.  That one is much closer to the house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this blog while searching for a state fair 4-H photo to use in advertising (no worries, not going to use this one). I am "the guy" at the 4-H booth in the photo, and even though this was several years ago, I distinctly remember your son. Just thought I would share that. Hope your family is doing well and your son is now involved in 4-H haha. Maybe we will see you at the Fair again this year.