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Monday, May 31, 2021

Fourth of July

 Fourth of July.  It was very low key, due to Covid.  We did get to shoot of some fireworks in the driveway

Changing a Tire

 Lon has never changed a tire. But one of his friends was able to come over as they both were only in their rooms and not going out. For the sake of their mental health it was a good to get a visit.  He now knows how to change a tire.  He did a good job, got it done, did all the problem solving he needed to.  I was proud of him. 


 In June of 2020, Lon was confirmed in the Catholic Church. Due to covid we could only have parents and sponsers. There was no party or reception for them.  That part made me sad.  

 Waiting for the Bishop and Father Artur.  

We are very proud of Lon 

My Knee Replacement

 Lon was a trooper though my right knee replacement surgery in May of 2020.  He got things I needed, he spent time with me. Encouraged my PT.  It was hard on him as well.   

After I was able to walk a bit.  That took about a month to get there


 Since I last posted Lon has ranked up well in Scouts!  Just before Covid hit, he made 1st class.  Finally passing his swim test. 

He is now a Life Scout.  Working on his Eagle.  He has not decided what his project will be yet. I will keep you posted. 

Getting ready for the ceramony for Order of the Arrow.  This was after his ordeal

Thoughts on Virtual School

 Lon has done this whole school year as a Virtual student.  My thoughts, it was a failed experiement.  It was ridiculous to think that a kid would sit in front of his/her computer for 7 hours, even if the teacher was just staring at them.  At an in person school, he would have friends to talk to, other work he could have done. But on line, he just had to stare at the teacher staring at him. It was mind numbing. He would leave the computer on and zone out, or do other things.  All I want him to do is pass his core classes.   It was more struggle than it was worth.   I am just hoping we are not on the 5 year high school plan.   Next year will be better.