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Monday, October 07, 2013

Lon and Daddy Go Camping

This weekend, Lon and Daddy went on their very first cub scout campout!  It was to the Center for Birds of Prey. It is on an island.   It looked like it was going to be a ton of fun!

Lon in front of the little tent. One of the rules was he had to wear his whistle at all times.
Breakfast the next morning. Lon is using his new messkit. (Boy Scout Approved)
The camp. They were going to have fishing, but before everyone arrived, the staff noticed a rather large alligator.  Lon did not get to use his new fishing pole. We will have to do that soon.
It's a Palmetto! and Lon !!
One of the many owls
The center takes in wounded birds, some they can rehabilitate, and others they let live out their lives there.  Some are trained to put on shows to raise money for all the other bird's care.
Vulture Cafe. People bring in road kill and they toss it all out in this field. This is a safer way for the buzzards to get their roadkill. Out of the way of what made the roadkill in the first place.
Getting ready to watch the show
It was an educational show. They taught the scouts all about the birds they were seeing. The vultures, he is there for the rest of this life, some well meaning hikers picked up the fuzzy little chick. They saw him on the ground under a bush and thought he was abandoned. Vultures around here nest on the ground under bushes, logs, etc.  By the time they turned the bird into the Center, it was already imprinted on humans.  It can not survive in the wild.
A trained  falcon , that the owner could no longer keep
Camp Kitchen. The Cubs here really do it right.  They were having tacos in a bag for lunch!
Another look around after lunch
Happy Camper
Lon fell asleep almost right away that night after campfire pizza and doughnuts.  On the way home, they decided to go to Isle of Palms to check out the ocean. We had not yet been to the beach!  Lon packed his swimsuit so he was ready to go into the Atlantic. The water was very warm. About 80.
Lon had a great time playing in the water.
Then it was time to come home and tell Mommy all about the great weekend they had ! They are looking forward to their next cub scout camp out!

1 comment:

Vasudev said...

Lovely Pictures of one of the sweetest families that I know of. I miss you all. I would name it Mark, Susan and Lon. We will definitely see you guys when we come from India.