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Monday, January 09, 2006


Today Lon worked on crawling. I got the boxes moved out of the living room, (football won on Sunday!) so it is only his toys. LOTS of toys. Things that make noise, things that are soft, things that rattle, things that are squishy, things that move. They are great. He was able to get into the correct crawling postion, with his head UP! Before it was either his head up or his rear-end up. Not both. However, doing both took so much work, that he fell over. He is keeping at it. I am sure he will be crawling soon. Then watch out world! Since he worked so hard on the floor this afternoon, he fell asleep while having dinner (apples and rice). So I cleaned off his face, and put him in his sleeper blanket and put him to bed. I think he will be up soon, hungry hungry hungry! While I was watching him sleep, I put stars up on his ceiling. Those stars that glow in the dark. I wanted to put some on my mom's ceiling, it is dark blue in her bedroom, I thought it worked. But she does not. However, Lon loves lights. When I was making his room into his room, I got a new light fixture, the edge is stars, moons, and a cow jumping over the moon. The stars and the moon all glow in the dark. He just stares at that while I am rocking him at night. I think the stars will work well for him.
Tomorrow afternoon, we get to go to the oral surgeon to have a consult on when my broken, dead tooth gets removed. When Lon was being born, I clenched my jaw so hard that I broke the lower left rear molar. It took a while to die, then it started to get an abcess. Ew. According to my dentist, and the root canal specialist it is time to get it out. I have been on anti-biotics to get the infection down. but it still hurts when I chew on anything. It will be nice to be able to eat without pain.
Today Lon impressed the nice ladies at the Chruch. We had to go have our pre-Baptism meeting to go over the paperwork, make sure our names are spelled right for the Baptism certificate. Lon was all smiles, giggles and love for everyone. He even had his picture taken for the church. I think his new nickname is hambone! I think he knows he takes a great picture.
Talk to you all tomorrow. or the next day.....
P.S. The small black cat in the background is Natasha. yes, there is a bullwinkle (bassett hound) and a little grey cat named Rocky. Poor Boris, the giant Russian Blue cat has left us for the great kitty beyond.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Once the crawling starts your aerobics program starts too, out of necessity!

Ouch, sorry to hear about the pending root canal but don't worry, I had three (yes, three) in 2004 and frankly they were easy. I don't think I ever had the pain meds filled.