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Sunday, December 04, 2011

Decorating Lon's room!

Today, among other things, we decorated Lon's room.  Put up his tree and all the other trimmings of Christmas for his room!  It is so nice he is big enough to help with all this now!
Putting his ornaments on his little tree. These are his ornaments. They do not get mixed in with the family ornaments. These are the ones he has picked out or been given. When he has his own place these will go with him. We give him one or two a year.  Some he outgrows, like Pooh and Little Einsteins, but he keeps them in the big box for when he has kids. (His idea)
His Alaskan Nativity on his dresser.
Then I pulled out the new lamp that Grammalyn had sent for him. She did not want him to wait till Christmas. This is a VERY cool lamp. Lon loves it! The train runs, and makes noise. It is wonderful. Lon knows it is not a toy, but it is still super cool!
Putting up the advent calendar that Great Grandma Yetka sent.
The finished tree. Lon was very pleased with everything in his room this year. Yes, I also put on his Christmas bed spread! 

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