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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Slim Pickings

Today Lon and I went to pick blackberries. I have very fond memories of picking blackberries. Lon stayed in his stroller for the most part, as the berries were smaller, and much less than last year. He did get to pick a few, once the thorns brushed across his hand he knew Momma had the right idea and he got back into the stroller and directed me where to pick.

This is total amount of berries we got after almost 3 hours.

We have just enough for two pies!

I would have gotten photos of Lon today and I did bring the camera, but the battery was charging on the wall where I left it. Silly Mommy.

We are going to make a pie for Miss Caroline, since today she gave Lon the best present! Her son was cleaning out his old toys, he is in his mid teens, and he wanted Lon to have his old Brio train tracks. We know have enough to have tracks all over the living room floor. Miss Caroline ROCKS!


Jim said...

Blackberries, yum! I remmber picking them along the interstate in Mobile.

suzy said...

Me too! That gave me my love of blackberries and my hatred of ants.