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Monday, July 17, 2006

Doctor Stats

Because the state requires shots be given at certain times, you can not get them early. The state will not recognize 364 days, but 366 is okay. This means that Lon went to the doctor today for his year shots. He is doing great! He is 32 inches tall. His head is 19 inches around. All bigger than last time. He is meeting all his developmental milestones, even exceeding them. The only problem he has is that he is skinny. VERY skinny. He only weighs 19 pounds. Exactly 19 pounds. Lon is in the 5 percentile for weight, the 95th for height. We have to work on fattening him up. I got some butter crackers today, put some peanut butter on them. They were okay. But when Mommy got the bright idea to put some Nutella on the peanut butter. Well, now we are talking! We also got some more spinach dip. It was very very good. Lon even put spinach dip in his hair.
Lon is sleeping off the shots. He did really well with those too. Same as last time. Cried a little, then was just fine.
Those are the stats from today. We have a weight check in 6 weeks. Time to get that baby fat!

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