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Friday, March 18, 2011

Leap Day

Today is what is known as leap day at Lon's school. That means he gets the day off! We decided to have some fun.
We started off our morning watching some cartoons that Lon never gets to see when he is in school. Then we went across the lake to Borracchinis!
We made a quick stop at the Seattle Goodwill in search of lego pieces, but we did not find any.
Hence the sad-ish face. So we left and went on to our real destination!
BORRACCHINI'S! It is such a wonderful place. SO much wonderful food, it is hard to chose just one or two things to eat on the way home. Lon got a few pastries, and a Limonata. I got a cannoli, a Limonata (which Lon got for me when he got his, such a nice boy!) and some pasta salad. I also got Mrs. Borracchini's cookbook, Shamrocks in My Pasta. I can't wait to go through it. The place just smells  so good!
Lon took this picture going through the tunnel. The I-90 tunnel, the one that every time I got through it reminds me of launching vipers from Battlestar Galactica (the old campy one) yes, I am old and geeky
Then we were back to our side of the lake. Lon took this photo out his window. Lon was disappointed there were not any boats out. I explained to him that it was 41 degrees (f) with windy rain. It was really cold out there on the water!  He mumbled something about wimps.
We could not just go home! We had lots of day left to play.  We thought lunch sounded like a good idea. We went to Big Daddy's over in Woodinville. Great food! They had a halibut and shrimp special today, two halibut fillets, and 9 shrimp for 8 dollars. NICE. ( with salad, fries or soup) I opted for salad. Lon had fries and a hot dog. 
His most favorite game is the Candy Crane. We got some quarters and he had a great time!
Lon got really good at picking up optimal candy. He got some toys with the candy too.  I put most of it away.

We had a great day today, hanging out, driving around together.  Tomorrow we stay home and work on cleaning out the guest room so we can remodel it!

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