After swim lessons, Ben and Ty came over to play! They just could not stay out of the water!

Lon had his turn with the hose and then it was Ty's turn! Lon got into his swimsuit before he got wet. We called Ty's Mom and had her bring over extra clothes!

We turned on Mr. Wiggly Hands -thank you Uncle Vasu- The boys played with him for a while

Sometimes they would just stand there and watch themselves get wet

Other times, they would run. Lon changed out of his other swim suit because it kept falling off as he ran. Skinny Mini Man that he is

Lon got into dry clothes and they all got popsicles! Orange Guy got Orange, Red Dude got red and Ben picked Yellow.

And then we tossed in a puppy into the mix! Toby is a great little pup. He was more interested in his bone than playing with boys at least for the moment.
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