We planned out our lovely summer vacation and hit the road! This year, we are having a long weekend in Lincoln City, Oregon. We love the Oregon Coast and Lincoln City seems to be a good fit for us.
On Friday, July 9, we got up at O'dark thirty. The car was packed and ready to go already. Lon got to stay in his pjs!

Our first real stop was Fort Stevens State Park. The wreck of the Peter Iredale has been a favorite place for me since I was a small child. There is less of it now than when I first saw it. It wrecked in 1906, and has been a tourist attraction ever since!

Lon, still in his pjs exploring the wreck. The fog was amazing

Mark, looking good, climbing on the wreck. He has lost 30 pounds so far! He is doing great!

My boys. We stopped for a lovely breakfast at Grandma's in Warrenton. It is a good place for breakfast. The french toast was wonderful. Lon ate almost all of his super giant blueberry pancake!

We stopped at the Cannon Beach over look and got some almost fog free photos!

Love those haystacks

Seriously, can anyone take a bad photo on the Oregon Coast?

Lon being goofy at the Oswald West scenic overlook

Love the fog in this photo

Had to take photos of cows in Tillamook County. Those are the cows that give the milk, that makes the best cheese, butter and ice cream!

We drove down the Three Capes Scenic Lookout. The fog was very thick here!

Lon put on his sweatshirt, but refused to change out of his pjs! It is cold without the sun!!

The reason there is a lighthouse here!

I love Lighthouses!

This time we walked up to the Octopus Tree. What a cool looking tree!

Just letting you know

Not sure who thought this was a good idea

Cape Disappointment. We finally got a little bit of a view.

Lon making his own smashed penny at Cape Disappointment

We made it to the beach were we would spend the next three days! Our hotel room was not ready yet, so we hit the beach!

Lon dug up alot of little rusty nails. We disposed of them properly

Lon is one happy camper! He loves the beach and the sand.

That night we went to Gallucci's pizza. We were all looking forward to it. However, it was not what we remembered. We were disappointed. On the upside, we got to try out other places to eat! Lon is playing with the puzzle that the hotel staff put in his kid's bag! We ordered the kid's package for Lon. That was really great, he got kites, games, toys, snacks. it was so much fun to watch him go though the bag and find all his goodies. There were even little airplanes! We did not let him take those to any restaurants! So ends the first day on the coast!
1 comment:
Love the fog photos.
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