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Sunday, January 03, 2010


Our Christmas was very fun! Lon is seriously getting into the entire holiday now! We have an Elf ~ from Elf on the Shelf. Great book, great idea! Our Elf is named Apple and he watches Lon every day during Christmas time and reports back to Santa every night. Which means every morning he is in a new place around the living/dining room. The advent angel was busy this year too! We got that great advent calender box that gets filled by the advent angel every night with some new candy or small toy. That was a HUGE thing this year too. Lon LOVED it. We tried this year for a couple of presents under the tree before Christmas Eve. The last couple years, any present that was out, was Lon's and must be opened NOW! This year he knew that some were not his. One that was his, he did ask us to hide again cause it was really just too hard not to open it. What a great little guy!
Our Christmas Eve Table, which looked remarkably like our Christmas Day Table! Since we had TWO big dinners this year. That was great fun! The children used the same dishes as everyone else. The only exception was the crystal. It was just too tall.
Mark's Christmas Cake! mmmmm.... Pistachio cake!
Our Christmas Eve meal this year was Cranberry Glazed Duck with Cranberry Chutney. Yummy Yummy Duck! It was really wonderful. Christmas Day dinner was Roast Beast with all the regular trimmings. Also, wonderful.
Lon waiting with the Christmas Chicken. He plays a little Christmas tune before he goes into the chicken dance, he lights up and walks around the room too. Yep, he is loud. I LOVE this chicken.

After Santa came. It looks wonderful!
I did not get any still pictures in of Lon opening his gifts this year. Mark took it all on video. (And Grandmothers the disks are coming your way soon)
Pancakes after presents! Yes, those are Kinder Eggs on the table and yes, Lon had chocolate with his breakfast. It was CHRISTMAS!
Miss Sarah and Mr Kevin came over for a late morning visit. Putting some toys together was the order of the morning!
Natasha amid some presents. Hot Wheels tracks were a huge hit !
More putting toys together, more hot wheels tracks. Then we started getting ready for company and roast beast. I did not get many pictures in this year.
For dessert we had chocolate fondue! Very fun. Lon did not want me to to take a picture of his being all chocolate covered.
Rob, Drew and Janet and the fondue pot.
Megan, Grace and Gernot. Grace loved the strawberries in chocolate, but who doesn't! The kids played after dinner. They had a great time. Cool new toys and kids all pretty much the same age! It was almost the best part of the day (opening all those cool gifts that morning was the best part of the day!)
I did manage to get a picture of chocolate covered Lon. After that he decided to give me a chocolate covered kiss. yummy!
Lon and Grace hugging by the tree. They play so well together. Lon does not like to take grief from the guys he knows and he won't let them boss him around. Grace, he lets her boss him around all she wants. It is sweet. Lon is trying his best to be a gentleman.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog! Your tree and gifts looks like a postcard.
Much Love,

Jim said...

Wow, looks like a busy social Christmas too! The cake looks awesome, did Mark make the cake or was it made for Mark (exclusively)?

The photo of the kids is total advertisement material; Madison Ave could take lessons!

suzy said...

Yep, we were very busy this Christmas! It was so fun. The cake is made for Mark, but he shares. This is the cake his mom made for Christmas every year, so I make it every year now too.
The kids are fun to photograph

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

suzy said...

Thank you, whomever you are!