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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cub scout-- no pictures

Last night was cub scout pack meeting! And I forgot my camera.
Lon did great at pack. He was awarded the three belt loops he earned, Marbles, Collecting and Pet Care.  Lon will work on more over Christmas break
He also earned some special awards for his popcorn sales! He won a multi tool, it is a compass, a magnifier, a place to hold matches and all sorts of other fun things. In his favorite color too, Red!  He got his popcorn segment. And for being one of the two boys to sell over 1000 dollars in popcorn, the pack gave him a boy scout egg light. It is pretty cool.  And the bottom of that is red too!
They played a very fun gave. Pass the present. The pack master read a story, about the Wright family. Every time he said wright or right you had to pass the present to your right, every time he said left, it had to go left. I think this might be something we try on Christmas Day Dinner!  (they just used wrapped boxes, but I might use real little presents)
Lon had a good time and I wanted to write down his awards before I forgot them

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