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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wednesday with Daddy

I needed some help at home and Mark was kind enough to stay home to help me out! But we did have some fun, first we started off at Lon's swim lessons
Lon using the kickboard!
It was great that Daddy got to see Lon in the pool for his lessons.
Lon and Daddy needed haircuts.  Our next stop was Earls to take care of that!
A little bit of nerves for Lon. He is not so sure about a short cut. I am sure about a short cut!

Our next stop was Juanita Beach Park to see what they have done with it. The parking lot is way different, lots more trees and there are meandering paths. It is pretty.
Park pic
We walked the jetty over the water and there were alot of teenage ducks hanging out with their Mommies.  Everyone still seemed happy with each other.
Daddy telling Lon that next summer we could all be out in the water on warm days. Lon was not so sure about all that
Watching the continuing construction. The new company has done so much in so little time! I am looking forward to seeing it when it is all done!
Corn Dogs for Lunch! He won't eat cornbread, but he loves corndogs!
While Daddy went to do his work, Lon did his! Lon finished Kindergarten Headsprouts and started the next set of lessons. 
It was a really fun day with Daddy. We got everything done and got to spend an extra day together!

1 comment:

Kestrel said...

That looks like one of those magical peaceful days where everything works out. Glad you did it all as a family.