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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Uncle Chong ROCKS!

Today Uncle Chong, Auntie Michelle, Brian and Kayla joined us for dinner! It was great. The kids had fun playing. Uncle Chong took a look at Daddy's seemingly dead laptop. Seems it was only mostly dead.  Uncle Chong had a miracle pill that made it all better. And we did not even have to wait 15 minutes for full potency

Uncle Chong brought back the laptop. Which is now MINE. Complete with Windows 7. Kayla was helping.

Lon was dancing to the chicken dance button. Kayla still like pressing that button.

Brian was really enjoying playing with Lon's toys.

Auntie Michelle and Kayla!

Brian, junior Jedi
It was a very fun day. The Ropa Veja turned out yummy. And I have a new laptop! Nice!
Thank you Uncle Chong!

1 comment:

Vasudev said...

Mark got little slim from what I remember how he was before I left Seattle and the last time when I visited. Great Job Marcus!!!