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Sunday, December 02, 2007


This morning, the weather could not make up its mind. The snow was pretty much gone when we woke up, but then, it started snowing again!

But then it warmed up, again, and now it is just all wet out there!

Since it was so miserable, I thought it would be a good day to make pierogi. I have never made pierogi all by myself.

My very first pierogi.

I made potato pierogis. I put the cooked potatoes through a ricer so they were super smooth, mixed them with all the rest of the stuff.

Rolling out the dough. I used Lon's sandwich maker to make the little dough circles.

Lon helped me, he cracked the eggs. When I was busy cutting and stuffing, he played with his trucks.

The little dumplings ready for the boil.

Pierogi boiling away!

The pierogi ready to be put away till GiGi comes! We will have a huge Polish feast, I have stuffed cabbage filling in the freezer, the peirogi and I will make a poppy seed roll soon.

I am proud of my efforts, I think they turned out well. I have some more filling, and I will make a half batch of dough tomorrow and get the rest made up and put away for GiGi.


Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,
These look just perfect. You did a great job.
I am sure they are wonderful.
Love you

Anonymous said...

These look delicious - I get so hungry when I visit your blog!!!! I really liked the idea of the leaves around the pumpkin pie - that was cool!

Pam & Hunter

Jim said...

Wow, when you do something you go ALL OUT. They look great!

suzy said...

Thanks Mom, can't wait till you can try them! See you soon, I hope!

suzy said...

Hi Pam,
Thanks! You and Hunter are welcome to come over and try them!

suzy said...

Hi Jamie,
Isn't that the only way?
Thanks! I hope they taste as good!