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Monday, June 04, 2007

A Cool New Toy!

We have tons of inside toys. All we have for outside is the pool. Today I went to our local goodwill to see if I could find some fun plates for my mother's wedding picnic (Long story, but I wanted something more fun, nicer than plastic/paper plates so I am gathering vintage plates that I will mail out to her. If people break them, no worries!) Well, we never made it to the plate section. In the front of the store was a toy that Lon just HAD to have. I was not so sure, I went and looked at it. It was 4.99. Okay, so I needed to give it a wash, but it was otherwise fine. We had to take it apart at the store, load in every available space in the car. Lon wanted it to built RIGHT AWAY when we got home. So we did, in the rain. He then played on it till he was soaking wet . I did wash it before I rebuilt it.

Okay, since you are just taking pictures Mom I am going to start rebuilding this!

Okay, got the legs on. That is a start! Gotta get the stairs, and the slide, then the roof... then the fun can begin!

Ah, this is nice.

And back around to do it again, and again. Then Lon slide down some more! He had such a good time. I am so glad we got the outside toy.
I am pretty sure that Lon loves it too! He was so happy to show it off to Daddy when Daddy got home! It was raining too hard at that point to go back out and play on it though. Tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERY COOL!! That is nice for Lon and it looks safe.