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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Since I Could Not Get It Together.....

Miss Sarah came over to baby sit so I could go work out at the gym. Well, first we got home late from swimming. Once I got back into the car, I forgot my sunglasses. Then I am halfway to the gym and realized my badge is still on my dresser. I turned around and went home. Miss Sarah had to be at work in an hour and half, that sunk the idea of going back to the gym. It worked out well for Lon since we all walked down to Goosepoop Park!

Lon liked the swings this time.

The climbing wall is not a challenge anymore.

Of course, there was lots of running!
Lon liked going to any park at anytime! We had to get home so Miss Sarah could make it to work on time, which she did. When we got home, Little Sarah was in her driveway (Congratulations to her on learning to walk!) She came over to play for a little while, Lon shared his toys very well. He was a good little gentleman. They played with chalk and bubbles in the driveway. What could be more fun?

1 comment:

Jim said...

I have to imagine that keeping up with running boy is like going to the gym :)