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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

M*O*M*M*Y Needs C*O*F*F*E*E...

Last night I tackled Miss Ingrid's Pretty Party Dress. Designed to more or less look like the one pictures in Good Dog Carl's Birthday. Which happens to be the theme of Miss Ing's party. The dress is not perfect, but it is done and wearable. (the collar is not cockeyed, it just looks that way in this photo) It will probably need a major pressing, but Mom can take care of that. After I got MOST of the dress done, Lon decided he wanted to be rocked for THREE hours. That started at 11pm. Finally he was so tired out, he went to sleep in his own bed, whew. For twenty minutes. At that point I gave up. I was too tired! He got to sleep in the big bed. With Mom and Dad. He is getting his molars in, so I am going to go with that. Poor little guy.
The little guy and I finished the button holes this morning and got it in the mail. Karen should have it tomorrow!
Lon wanted to help by touching the little dress as much as possible while covered with peanut butter. Did not happen. But he looks so darn cute trying! Note the new molar. The other side is getting it's molar now.

Yesterday, Lon was also covered with peanut butter, and Miss Sarah spiked his hair while he played with a couple of oranges. I am not sure why oranges, but they were happy toys.

This last photo is for Mom to show her I have framed Lon's professional photograph and have it hung up.


Anonymous said...

THE DRESS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I cannot wait to press it for Miss Ing. I love the title, I can hear you singing that song.
Karen is anxious to see the dress too.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Suzy - its beautiful!! IVK will look beautiful in it!! Thank you so much!

suzy said...

I hope you both like it. Next time I should get started a little sooner... I think I say that every time though.
Let me know if it fits!