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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Book Reviews

Now that Lon is getting older, he is actually handing me books to read to him. It is wonderful. There are some books he really enjoys. There is so far only one book that I refused to read to him and threw away! I thought it would be good to *review* a couple of his favorites.
Lon loves to play with his board books. His current favorite is Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boyton. The intro is important. Stomp you feet!! Clap your hands!! Everybody ready for a barnyard dance!! I get to read the rest as if I am calling a square dance. He likes it. He now dances, but sitting down. Super cute.
His favorite page books is called The Web Files. Thank you so much Godmother Carol. It is by Margie Palatini and Illustrated by Richard Egielski.
DUM DE DUM DUM. 6:32 am. This is the farm. My partner, Bill and I, were working the barnyard shift. It was peaceful. Quiet. Then we got the call.
If you have ever seen and loved Dragnet, this is very very cool. Again, you have to use all the right voices. It is difficult to read without laughing out loud at jokes that Lon probably will not get. He thinks it is very funny that mommy is laughing so he laughs. This is a book we love and will keep reading. Over and over until I have it memorized or can at least read it without laughing out loud.
The book I will never read to him is called Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. I bought it in a sealed package. Should have been a clue right there. But it was a tub book, I was bored reading Mimi's Toes. We are still reading Mimi's Toes in the tub. This book is supposed to be about what makes you special is on the inside. Instead it is about a fish that has lovely scales, the book has them all shiny that color shift in the light. But in order to have friends he gives away all his lovely special scales to other fish. To me, it was buying his friends. Every fish was happy now that they all had one shiny scale from Rainbow fish. No one was special. I got the message that you must hide or give away the things that make you special, your God-given shiny scales, in order to have friends and make others happy. This is not a message I ever want to send Lon. So I tossed it in the garbage and we won't ever be tempted to read it out loud.
In the next month or so I will tell you about three other books Lon loves.


Jim said...

Yikes, no, that is not a good message to send to anyone. What's next, if you don't drive a Mercedes you aren't acceptable?

I like the way the writers of children's books and films primarily make the pieces for adults. For example, Shrek, which I own, was totally made for adults. I think its almost a by-product that it is equally entertaining for children.

suzy said...

I love Shrek! We have the entire collection. I took the neighbor kids to Shrek. I laughed so hard I embaressed them. Mission accomplished.